
“Chad” is a Hero WOD in CrossFit named in honor of Chad Michael Wilkinson, a Navy SEAL who sacrificed his life in defense of our country. Here’s the structure:
• 1,000 box step-ups for time:
• Box height: 20 inches for males, 16 inches for females
• Wear a weighted vest (45 pounds for males, 35 pounds for females)
1. Pacing: “Chad” is an endurance workout. Pace yourself from the beginning to maintain consistency over the high volume of box step-ups.
2. Form on Step-Ups: Maintain proper form on each step-up. Fully extend your hip at the top of each repetition.
3. Weighted Vest: If using a weighted vest, ensure it’s securely fastened for the entire workout.
4. Mental Toughness: “Chad” is mentally challenging due to its length. Stay focused and break down the workout into manageable segments.
Completing the workout within 1.5 to 2.5 hours is a common goal.
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